Things to Say

Dance & Denim

I have some beautiful friends who do beautiful work. One day I was asked to do a fun side project with Ana & Olivia. So of course I said yes, not knowing the space we are going to shoot in, the lighting or what the models were going to look like haha. I can’t say that I wasn’t worried, even if it’s a fun side project I was a bit terrified. I dragged my friend Milena for help and support and thank God I did. The first hour was me trying to figure out the space. I decided to set the room up into different sections and to go from there. The walls were beige, there was a wall lined up with floor to ceiling mirrors and I needed something more. I noticed that there were chairs around the building so we just threw them in the corner and stacked them in such a way that we created some sort of a sculpture. And it worked. I am so happy I did this and I can’t wait until the next time. It’s scary walking into the unknown but that usually leads to magic!

jaime striby