Things to Say

Seven Magic Mountains

Vegas is full of hookers ,gambling and booze, that's a given. But there is another side to her that I had the pleasure of seeing. Seven Magic Mountains!!! This is an art installation about 30 minutes south of Vegas in the middle of nowhere. The artist stacked very large boulders with his bare hands, just kidding obviously, then painted them with array of colors. It sounded average, like someone was bored and just decided to stacks some rocks in their free time, but when we got there is was quite magnificent! It showed me that if you have a vision and access to boulders you could accomplish anything plus It was much taller than I'd imagined, the colors still had their pop even after baking in the sun. It was a great end to a great day and I am so thankful Roxanne was there to share it with me!

xo jaime

jaime striby